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Right Gait&Posture

Make Rehabilitation Easier

A versatile and imperceptive gait and posture solution...

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Introducing high technology into rehabilitation...

Artificial Intelligent

​Micro Motion  Sensing

Machine  Vision

Thin Film Sensing

Making it easier by providing smart devices...

No limitation of space


Multiple data fusion

Easy and fast

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Know us from Videos

  • To verify the data accuracy, we conducted an on-site comparison between our simple and portable gait analysis device and the world-leading three-dimensional motion capture system Vicon (The gait analysis laboratory).

  • The experimental results showed that the difference in our core parameters from Vicon was only 0.91%.

 on-site comparison between our simple and portable gait analysis device and the world-leading three-dimensional motion capture system Vicon (in the gait analysis laboratory)

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